Thyroid Issues

If you're suffering from thyroid issues, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, in Santa Clara, CA, you should contact Dr. Michael Pierce at the Wellness Revolution Health Center right away. The right approach for treatment depends on the specific nature of your thyroid issues. However, Dr. Pierce can use a variety of tools and strategies to help you safeguard your health and well-being.

Understanding Hashimoto Thyroiditis and Thyroid Problems

When it comes to thyroid issues, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto’s disease, is one of the most problematic. This is due, in part, to the fact that this condition is an auto-immune disease. This means your body's immune system will start to attack your body itself. In the case of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the immune system targets the thyroid gland.

The thyroid attack destroys thyroid tissue releasing increased thyroid hormone, then as the gland gets destroyed, They will later have an underactive thyroid gland, which in turn can cause myriad issues. Folks who suffer from an underactive thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism, often suffer energy issues and may be constantly tired. You may also experience mental fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to being cold, and more.

Fortunately, Dr. Pierce at the Wellness Revolution Health Center can help by providing holistic care, nutritional analysis, and advanced testing for Hashimoto thyroiditis and other thyroid issues in Santa Clara, CA.

A Holistic Approach to Thyroid Challenges

We’re still learning a lot about thyroid issues. It’s possible to approach thyroid problems with various different healthcare approaches. Many patients find that conventional care, however, doesn’t offer a holistic enough approach to maximize outcomes.

A holistic approach can utilize advanced testing to ensure that potential underlying causes of your thyroid challenges are considered. Nutritional adjustments may help both underlying causes of your thyroid challenges and also manage the symptoms of your condition.

Holistic approaches to thyroid issues can be deployed alongside conventional medical treatment. In the long run, using multiple approaches to address thyroid challenges may produce the best results. Given how big of an impact thyroid issues could have on your personal and professional life, along with your overall well-being, it is important to take treatment seriously.

Need assistance with thyroid problems like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in Santa Clara, CA? Pick up the phone and give 408 296 6133 a ring. Dr. Pierce at the Wellness Revolution Health Center can provide effective and long-lasting relief for various issues.

Current thyroid treatment is a one-size-fits-all approach based on very limited labs.  However, each of us is unique and current science shows that there are two dozen factors, not just one, that affect your thyroid function.  Thant’s why for over 25 years we have addressed each patient’s unique underlying causes with personalized care.

What do we do?

We run comprehensive lab tests, much more in depth than you have likely had done: Blood, urine, hormone, stool, food sensitivity and antibody tests.

We thoroughly analyze every marker, not just the ones out-of-range.

We find the root cause(s) of your condition.

Next, we test and determine which foods you tolerate and those you don’t.  So you can eat without worry of causing symptoms and to improve your function.

Then we develop a custom, personalized care plan to reverse the progression of your condition.  So you not only feel the changes, you see them on your lab tests.

  • You learn the true cause(s) of your hypothyroid condition.
  • Your energy can increase dramatically.
  • Your weight can drop WITHOUT exercise.
  • You can feel happier with more stable moods.
  • Your ability to handle stress can improve.
  • Your digestion and elimination can normalize.
  • Your hair can thicken.
  • Your will learn your real underlying risk factors and see them improve on follow-up tests.
  • You can be yourself again.

Contact us for a brief no-cost consultation to see if this is right for you.

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